Climate indicators for forest fire hazard

Set of suitable bioclimatic indicators to assess the past to future impacts of changing mean climate conditions and accelerated variability on forest fire potential (hazards) in the alpine region. Such indices refer to Fire Weather Index System (FWI), which account for the effects of fuel moisture and wind on forest fire behaviour and spread, starting from daily meteorological conditions. Data represent the forest fire potential comparison between the reference period (1991-2020) and the near future period (2021-2050) of the main components of FWI. Such examinations are carried out by using:

  1. VHR-REA_IT Dynamical Downscaling of ERA5 at daily level with COSMO-CLM

  2. VHR-PRO_IT Downscaling at very fine resolution of COSMO-CLM over Italy from 8km to 2.2km

Temperature, Precipitation, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed (every 6 hours), maximum and minimum Temperature (daily), and Wind Gust (daily maximum).

The datasets contains the following indices and for each the probability of exceeding the 90th percentile, 95th percentile and the the median value:

  1. Fire Weather Index FWI

  2. Drought Code DC

  3. Fine Fuel Moisture Code FFMC

Data and Resources

Dataset extent

Map tiles & Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY SA

Dataset Metadata

Dataset Identifier df62ec32-ad8b-11eb-8529-0242ac130028
Other Identifier N/D
Dataset Themes ENVI
5216 deterioration of the environment
Dataset Editor Name: Highlander
IPA/IVA: cci
Release Date 31-01-2023
Modification Date 31-12-2022
Geographical Name Organizational Unit Responsible Competence Area
GeoNames URL N/D
Dataset Languages N/D
Temporal Coverage N/D
Rights Holder Name: Highlander
IPA/IVA: cci
Frequency NEVER
Version Of N/D
Creator N/D

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Martina Forconi
Last Updated March 22, 2023, 18:29 (UTC)
Created January 2, 2023, 17:18 (UTC)
spatial {"type":"Polygon","coordinates": [ [ [ 6.2675, 43.875 ], [ 9.47885, 43.875 ], [ 9.47885, 46.6401 ], [ 6.2675, 46.6401 ], [ 6.2675, 43.875 ] ] ]}