TreeTalker Paneveggio Park

IoT data collected by TreeTalker Sensors regarding biological indicators of the vital functions of trees. Two clusters (25 sensors each) monitors respectively a group of beeches and one of spruces in Val Canali. TreeTalker device version TT+ measures simultaneously important individual tree scale eco-physiological parameters as well as some additional ecosystem-related variables. The TT+ is able to transmit in quasi-real time (every hour) plant water transport, stem water storage, growth, tree oscillations, leaves spectral parameters and climate data, using the new developments in IoT and long-range data transmission (LoRa) technologies. Data are collected and archived in FROST server, an open-source implementation of the OGC SensorThings API standard, developed by Fraunhofer IOSB.

Data and Resources

Dataset extent

Map tiles & Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY SA

Dataset Metadata

Dataset Identifier df62ec32-ad8b-11eb-8529-0242ac130003
Other Identifier N/D
Dataset Themes ENVI
5211 natural environment
Dataset Editor Name: Highlander
IPA/IVA: cci
Release Date 01-07-2020
Modification Date 01-07-2020
Geographical Name Organizational Unit Responsible Competence Area
GeoNames URL N/D
Dataset Languages ENG
Temporal Coverage N/D
Rights Holder Name: FEM
IPA/IVA: 02038410227
Frequency DAILY
Version Of N/D
Creator N/D

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Martina Forconi
Last Updated March 22, 2023, 18:34 (UTC)
Created June 14, 2021, 09:23 (UTC)
spatial { "type":"Polygon", "coordinates": [[[11.85699555, 46.22878994],[11.85993875, 46.22878994],[11.85993875, 46.23057379],[11.85699555, 46.23057379]]] }