VHR-PRO_IT Downscaling of COSMO-CLM @2.2 km over Italy

Dynamical Downscaling with COSMO-CLM of historical (1981/2005) and future climate (2006/2070) projections. This climate projection dataset, named "VHR-PRO_IT" has an horizontal resolution of ≃ 2.2 km resolution (i.e., Convection Permitting Scale) thanks to dynamical downscaling with CMCC-CM global model over the period 1981-2070, adopting the IPCC historical plus RCP8.5 scenario.

An intermediate dynamical downscaling has been conducted through the configuration of regional climate model (RCM) COSMO-CLM at ≃ 8 km over Italy, previously provided by Fondazione CMCC.

The temporal resolution of outputs is hourly. Runs cover the whole Italian territory (and neighbouring areas according to the necessary computation boundary), so to provide a very detailed (in terms of space-time resolution) and comprehensive (in terms of meteorological fields) dataset of projected climatological data for at least 90 years (01/1981-12/2070). All output variables are on single levels except soil water content that is provided for 7 soil levels.


  1. VHR-PRO_IT historical climate (1981/2005)

  2. VHR-PRO_IT future climate (2006/2070) under scenario RCP8.5


surface evaporation (kg m-2)

averaged surface net downward shortwave radiation (W m-2)

averaged surface net downward longwave radiation (W m-2)

total cloud cover (1)

mean sea level pressure (Pa)

2m specific humidity (kg kg-1)

2m dew pointtemperature (K)

2m maximum temperature (K)

2m minimum temperature (K)

total precipitation amount (kg m-2)

2m temperature (K)

U-component of 10m wind (m s-1)

V-component of 10m wind (m s-1)

surface snow amount (m)

soil water content (m)

Data and Resources

Dataset extent

Map tiles & Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY SA

Dataset Metadata

Dataset Identifier df62ec32-ad8b-11eb-8529-0242ac130033
Other Identifier N/D
Dataset Themes ENVI
5211 natural environment
Dataset Editor Name: Highlander
IPA/IVA: cci
Release Date 30-06-2022
Modification Date 30-06-2022
Geographical Name Organizational Unit Responsible Competence Area
GeoNames URL N/D
Dataset Languages N/D
Temporal Coverage N/D
Rights Holder Name: Highlander
IPA/IVA: cci
Frequency NEVER
Version Of N/D
Creator N/D

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated March 22, 2023, 18:36 (UTC)
Created January 6, 2023, 14:02 (UTC)
contactPoint paola.mercogliano@cmcc.it
spatial {"type":"Polygon","coordinates": [ [ [ 3.9111406803131104, 34.803531646728516], [ 19.930150985717773, 34.803531646728516], [ 19.930150985717773, 48.59242630004883 ], [ 3.9111406803131104, 48.59242630004883 ], [ 3.9111406803131104, 34.803531646728516] ] ]}