Soil Erosion Indicators for Italy (1991-2050) @2.2 km over Italy

Extreme climate conditions affect the maintenance of soil functions, especially in areas particularly subject to rainfall-induced erosion. The case study Soil Erosion is based on a consolidated empirical model to generate projections about the potential loss of soil due to intense rainy events and land management in rural areas (from forests to agricultural fields). The application of the model at national scale will allow to identify areas particularly at risk under changes in climate variability and to formulate strategies to reduce soil erosion through appropriate management of rural areas, also in terms of working practices and soil protection measures.

Data and Resources

Dataset extent

Map tiles & Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY SA

Dataset Metadata

Dataset Identifier df62ec32-ad8b-11eb-8529-0242ac130006
Other Identifier N/D
Dataset Themes ENVI
5216 deterioration of the environment
Dataset Editor Name: Highlander
IPA/IVA: cci
Release Date 01-07-2021
Modification Date 01-07-2021
Geographical Name Organizational Unit Responsible Competence Area
GeoNames URL N/D
Dataset Languages N/D
Temporal Coverage N/D
Rights Holder Name: Highlander
IPA/IVA: cci
Frequency NEVER
Version Of N/D
Creator N/D

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Martina Forconi
Last Updated March 22, 2023, 18:30 (UTC)
Created July 23, 2021, 14:36 (UTC)
spatial {"type":"Polygon","coordinates": [ [ [ 3.9111406803131104, 34.803531646728516], [ 19.930150985717773, 34.803531646728516], [ 19.930150985717773, 48.59242630004883 ], [ 3.9111406803131104, 48.59242630004883 ], [ 3.9111406803131104, 34.803531646728516] ] ]}