Soil Erosion Indicators for Italy (1991-2050) @2.2 km over Italy
Data and Resources
Indicators of rainfall erosivity (R factor) ...HTML
Monthly rainfall data with annual average R factor (MJ mm ha −1 h −1 year −1...
Application Soil Erosion IndicatorsHTML
Soil Erosion Indicators (1991-2050) @2.2 km over Italy
WMS R Factor (2021-2050)
WMS Soil Loss WMS
WMS Soil Loss (1991-2050) @2.2 km over Italy
Infographic Soil Erosion
Dataset extent
Map tiles & Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY SA
Dataset Metadata
Dataset Identifier | df62ec32-ad8b-11eb-8529-0242ac130006 |
Other Identifier | N/D |
Dataset Themes |
5216 deterioration of the environment |
Dataset Editor |
Name: Highlander IPA/IVA: cci |
Release Date | 01-07-2021 |
Modification Date | 01-07-2021 |
Geographical Name | Organizational Unit Responsible Competence Area |
GeoNames URL | N/D |
Dataset Languages | N/D |
Temporal Coverage | N/D |
Rights Holder |
Name: Highlander IPA/IVA: cci |
Frequency | NEVER |
Version Of | N/D |
Creator | N/D |
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Author | Martina Forconi |
Last Updated | March 22, 2023, 18:30 (UTC) |
Created | July 23, 2021, 14:36 (UTC) |
contactPoint | |
spatial | {"type":"Polygon","coordinates": [ [ [ 3.9111406803131104, 34.803531646728516], [ 19.930150985717773, 34.803531646728516], [ 19.930150985717773, 48.59242630004883 ], [ 3.9111406803131104, 48.59242630004883 ], [ 3.9111406803131104, 34.803531646728516] ] ]} |